Microbiological Laboratory Service

See the TSS Microbial Laboratory in Action

TSS runs two state-of-the-art ISO 17025:2017 environmental monitoring laboratories to process viable and water samples. Strategically positioned on both coasts, our in-house Microbiology laboratories ensure end-to-end management of your samples, from initial collection to detailed reporting. Our laboratories enable TSS to accommodate the growing volume and complexity of microbiology testing and enable expansion and future microbiological offerings.

Our microbiology labs provide:

  • Incubation and Enumeration – Services in compliance with USP <1116>, USP <797>, and other industry standards.
  • Identification Services – Leveraging the precision of MALDI-TOF Smart Biotyper, species-level identification is provided for samples exhibiting growth, surpassing the standard visual or genus-level IDs offered by other providers.
  • TSS’ Self-Serve Sampling kits meet USP <797> and <1116> standards prioritizing patient and product safety. These kits are not only cost-effective but also grant you the flexibility to conduct tests according to your schedule.
  • Quality Assurance – ISO 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015 accreditation and rigorous controls ensure timeliness of sample processing and reporting accuracy.  Our highly trained team leverages a validated LIMS for managing samples, reporting, and Chain of Custody.

TSS Micro Lab

Ensure control of your microbiological testing with TSS.

Please review the example of the Microbial Analysis Report (MAR) appropriate to your facility services. See below forthe USP <1116> cleanroom results or a pharmacy USP <797> sample report or report guidance.

USP <1116> Sample Report, Sample Report Guidance
USP <797> Sample Report, Sample Report Guidance

MAR highlights include:

  • An overview page, allowing you quick access to sampling results.
  • Separately documented incubation periods showing CFU counts if present during the enumeration process.
  • For USP <797> customers can request all, microorganisms to be identified to the species level and noted if it is pathogenic per USP guidelines.
  • Raw counts and positive hole corrections are shown per sample, as well as a description of media and incubation process used.
  • A diagram of the areas sampled will be integrated with the report.
  • Each report is reviewed and approved by a laboratory manager and a data quality analyst to confirm accuracy.

Contact us directly at 1-800-877-7742 or LabResults@TechSafety.com to let us know how we can assist you today.

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