Third-party certifications, whether company-wide or for individual employees, provide a differentiator, a competitive edge, and an assurance to which process and quality standards are consistently and effectively adhered. TSS has received multiple certifications from external agencies which serve as stamp of excellence for our services to the Life Sciences Industry.
Currently TSS holds the following companywide certifications:
- ISO 9001, certifying bodies: NEMKO and Bureau Veritas
- ISO 17025, accredited by NVLAP
- Cleanroom Performance Testing (CPT) Firm, certifying body NEBB
TSS’ employees are encouraged to acquire individual certifications for:
- Fume Hood Testing, certifying body NEBB- National Environmental Balancing Bureau
- Biosafety Cabinetry Certification according to ANSI/NSF-4, certifying body NSF - National Sanitization Foundation
- Pharmacy Testing Certification according to CETA CAG-09, certifying body CETA - Controlled Environment Testing Association
- Laminar flow devices and cleanroom testing according to different recommended practices per IEST-The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
The independent certifications and our human resources are the biggest competitive advantage for supporting the needs and expectations of our customers.
Our Life Science clients must meet stringent criteria imposed by regulations to remain operational, viable, and competitive. TSS issues certification reports for the testing of laboratories, cleanrooms, pharmacies, clean devices, and other controlled environments that are built on systems qualified or accredited by these agencies.
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification
TSS is accredited for its quality management system (QMS) that combines two different scopes of accreditation:
ISO 9001 [scope #1] - Field Services
Provision of testing, calibration and certification services of containment and environmental control systems/environments. Provision of bioburden and particulate testing of controlled environments perform decontamination and decommissioning services.
ISO 9001 [Scope #2] - Microbiological Laboratory Operations
To provide environmental monitoring and microbial evaluation for healthcare institutions, pharmacies, and other related facilities.
An ISO 9001 certified QMS represents a real commitment to quality excellence. The advantage as a services company is that our procedures and systems are structured to provide consistency in expectations for our customers. This foundation harmonizes with the ISO 17025 accreditation of our metrology services, as well as other company‑wide or individual certifications.
Meeting ISO 9001 Requirements
The expectations set by ISO 9001 and other certifications provide a structure for measuring and improving the effectiveness of our processes and quality management.
At TSS, we accomplish high quality service and compliance with ISO 9001 through:
- Gathering information about the needs and expectations of Life Science Industry.
- Communicating with our stakeholders, including vendors, employees, and regulatory agencies.
- Optimizing and qualifying our resources in support of service realization
- Documenting procedures that meet ISO 9001 as well as third-party and industry standards.
- Defining core processes and assigning responsibilities, supported by upper management.
- Gathering data and feedback about the quality of our services from customers and performance measurements.
- Improving services and satisfaction through data analysis and continuous improvement.